Alain D.
Super matériel, très pratique et ergonomique malgré une pince cassée dans l'emballage.
Metrice B.
I really, really, really, really love this. Lol. ❤️❤️ If you haven't seen it by searching the Instagram tags yet, I already made a post about this and the fact that I really wanted this type of thing back in high school. I love the fact that you can draw something and then immediately see the process you went through because it records while you're drawing. I always really wanted to be able to like draw on my paper, but not have to redraw it again on the computer, it was really cool.
Thank you sooooo much
David C.
tres bon produit et tres bonne communication avec ISKN
Stewart H.
Extremely simple to setup and use. Delighted that I can use it with any of my pencils - coloured, soft/hard, mechanical etc. I use it for a weekly online drawing course. Using A5 means changing the drawing paper more often, but I can re-run the course recording later.
Highly recommend the Repaper xLite. Most importantly the customer service is fantastic!
Simone N.
Ottima sensibilità, adatto per grandi e piccoli progetti
vincent d.
c'est super globalement
quelques défauts :
logiciels :
a) la feature "exporter une zone vers le presse papiers" manque beaucoup
b) un raccourci clavier pour prendre une feuille vierge serait formidable
c) un enregistrement automatique des feuilles dans un dossier défini par l'utilisateur
matériels ;
d) j'ai pas réussi à comprendre comment exporter en noir sur fond blanc au lieu de grisaille sur fond transparent qui semble être par défaut
matériel :
la précision du trait pourrait être plus précise, mais c'est déjà super
Idoia E.
Muy fácil de usar y versátil, puedes exportarlos como Jpg o PNG y guardarlos en Google.
Virginie D.
J'ai acheter le repaper pour mon fils autiste et moi même . Il y a longtemps que j'ai posé les crayons alors , il me faut maintenant m'adapter avec cet outil qui est merveilleux .Mon fils l'adore . Nous en sommes encore qu'au début de nos essai , mais grâce à sa facilité d'utilisation , je pense que mon fils et moi auront vite pris l'habitude , et pourrons faire des merveille avec cette tablette ! un grand merci à vous pour votre travail !
Virginia M.
This is really good for my purposes and the price. Tape down your drawing with blue tape, it's more reliable than the clips. Works with my Mac but not my android device(wish I knew that beforehand but that's on me). Sometimes the line doesn't quite match the paper, but the drawings look great even so.
kevin d.
Received as requested.
IStill in learning phase. But seems to be what I was looking for. A better tutorial would be nice , maybe online.
Giuliana P.
Davvero uno strumento fantastico. Felice dell'acquisto
Nieves V.
Hola, aun estoy aprendiendo a usarla y adaptándome, así que no puedo decir mucho más ahora mismo.
Gracias por vuestro interés
Un saludo
Philippe L.
Le trait est fluide, le rendu est très bien. Belle innovation !
Claudio S.
Esperienza fantastica al di sopra delle mie aspettative mia figlia ha subito interagito rimanendo entusiasta facile da usare ma professionale nello specifico veramente geniale
Erin C.
This was a Christmas present for my boys. They love drawing both on paper and directly on the pad. You can watch a replay of your drawing, change colors and pens/pencils, and add layers. Great tool for encouraging drawing and introducing digital art.
Julia S.
Super produit assez intuitif. Je recommande.
Intuitivo e immediato nell'uso, ci vuole giusto un pochino per avere l'esperienza necessaria per raggiungere la precisione desiderata nel segno e nelle proporzioni. Fantastico.
Elodie D.
Ma fille l’a eu à Noël
Super produits, elle peu faire beaucoup de choses avec ses dessins sur l’ordinateur et elle garde le plaisir du papier
Je recommande vivement !
giovanna g.
Prodotto rispondente al bisogno
francesco l.
Molto comoda e intuitiva, idea regalo originale. Consigliata.
Stephanie G.
Mon fils est enchanté. En 2 jours, il commence déjà à maîtriser les couleurs etc... il adore la fonction vidéo pour voir son dessin être créé .
marjorie t.
si on ne regarde que le papier en dessinant ça manque un tout petit peu de précision .. mais c'est moindre par rapport à l'effet donné de pouvoir sentir le crayon gratter le papier , si on regarde l'écran c'est tout bon !
Massimo M.
A spedizione è stata precisissima e il pacco è arrivato integro
Settimo Fedele C.
Buon prodotto. Rispecchia quanto proposto sul sito.
Aurelie P.
Une superbe tablette. Très facile d'utilisation. Je recommande à 200%
Javier M.
Todo correcto, recomendable
Susanne U.
Die App dazu ist intuitiv zu bedienen, die Möglichkeiten sind vielfältig. Es macht Spaß damit zu arbeiten.
Carole B.
Très bonne expérience et je suis ravie de cet achat qui est, en réalité, destiné à ma fille pour Noël.
Regina N.
Nice little tablet. Works perfect, easy and good for beginner ❤
Aleksandar T.
Great customer support
Maria Concetta P.
Devo ancora il parare a sfumare bene. Ma trovo ottima questa tavoletta! La possibilità di disegnare direttamente sul foglio con la mia matita è riportarlo al pc non ha prezzo!! La vorrei ancora più grande. Fantastica!!
Steeve R.
Je cherchais une tablette graphique pour me lancer dans le numérique j'ai eux location de découvrir cette tablette qui permet à la fois de dessiner sur papier et en numérique. Facile à prendre en mains asser précise. Pour une première je suis ravis
Natacha B.
Je ne l'ai pas encore utilisé, juste essayé. Ca a l'air super!
Bethany M.
This device is super neat. I purchased it to restore some old and extremely faded notes/letters that showed no text when you scanned them. Overall it worked amazing with a little Photoshop help. The only issue is when tracing the writing sometimes it would come out shaky looking. I increased the speed and pressure and played with the settings and it helped a bit. But really cool device, it worked for what I needed it for.
James W A.
Hi, I really love the Iskn. I am a "tradigital" artist. I mix traditional drawing and sculpture with digital work. This product is really matched for me. It allows me to get my drawings directly into the computer to edit with colour etc really well.
I also like the video capture option. This is allowing me to assess my drawing and where I place my marks and how my drawing evolves and how I can improve it. It also allows me to make nice social media videos too :)
William E.
Interesting product, good price. Not clear how to do some needed things like print a drawing. User manual lacking.
Johannes R.
Repaper Software ist gut, aber für die Nutzung von anderer Software muß man leider extra umschalten. Die Funktionen sind real wie beschrieben. Der Service ist excellent.
Sébastien L.
Vraiment TOP, pratique et utilisation facile.
Claudia V.
Ancora non ho avuto modo di provarlo per bene, ma il poco che l’ho provato mi ha entusiasmata!!!
La recensione che posso fare è per Margareth e tutto il gruppo iskn. Ho avuto problemi con la spedizione, e Margareth non solo si è attivata, ma mi teneva costantemente in aggiornata sulla mi spedizione.
Io acquisto spesso su internet, ma devo dire che una professionalità, una serietà così non lo avevo mai trovate!!! Sicuramente se avrò bisogno, il primo posto dove guarderò, sarà il sito di iskn!!
Grazie e continuate così!!!
Lamberto V.
buon acquisto, consegna perfetta
Ottimo e funzionale per la comprensione nella dad
Peggy B.
Tolles Produkt und sehr vielseitig nutzbar. Eigentlich war es als Einsteiger Grafikboard für meine Tochter ´gedacht. Nun nutzen wir es alle.
Franco B.
Bel giocattolino, peccato il formato A5.
José David C.
Funciona muy bien, enhorabuena por el producto.
Sarah G.
Purchased as a gift for my husband that still loves using paper notebooks for but needs to share his notes and diagrams with employees and peers virtually across the country.
Susanne V.
Bin noch nicht so weit. Ist noch ganz neu.
Nicoletta P.
Mi diverto moltissimo a disegnare e colorare con questa tavoletta! La mia prima tavoletta grafica! Sto ancora esplorando le tante funzioni e mi piace vedere sullo schermo del pc quello che disegno sulla carta...con una vera matita! Poi mi piace provare l'aerografo, le diverse penne oppure le matite, cancellare e ricominciare! La gamma dei colori è infinita! Ma devo ancora scoprire e provare tante cose! Sono veramente molto soddisfatta!
Tim H.
Die Tochter ist begeistert und nutzt den Repaper xLite zum Zeichnen, mit und ohne Papier.
Susanne L.
Bin noch am üben und herrausfinden, aber macht schon jetzt Spaß und werde es auch für Schule und Homeoffice an die Familie weiterreichen!
Gema Maria J.
A la persona que se lo regalé le ha encantado
Un regalo muy original
Christiane S.
War ein Geschenk für meine Tochter, sie ist wirklich begeistert, vor allem auch wegen der super genauen und zeitgleichen Übertragung. Sie hat wirklich viel Freude mit ihrem Geschenk!
Antonella M.
Prodotto divertente e professionale
Giuseppe L.
È stato un regalo che ho fatto a mia figlia
Hans Peter K.
Da ich das Repaper x Lite nur als Grafiktablett nutze, kann ich es nur bedingt beurteilen.
Für meine Zwecke reicht es vollkommen aus.
Was mich ein wenig stört sind die Funktionstasten. Da vermisse ich die Einstellung zum Scrollen.
Margherita M.
Era un regalo per la nipote ha gradito tantissimo ha detto che è una figata!
Ulrike K.
Ausgepackt, angesteckt, losgelegt! Es macht richtig Spaß. Außerdem: meine Studenten sind begeistert!
Sandra S.
Compré un Repaper cuando mi Wacom Bamboo dejó de funcionar. Doy clases de matemáticas online y no hay nada similar a escribir en papel. El Repaper hace lo que tiene que hacer, es súper fácil de conectar y tiene más opciones que el Wacom Bamboo.
Lo único que no logro hacer, es dibujar lineas con una regla. No me salen lineas rectas en la pantalla. Esa es la única razón por la cual le pongo 4 en vez de 5 estrellas.
Es un producto muy recomendable y además me lo entregaron en 2 días.
Fabio B.
Mia prima esperienza con tavoletta grafica, la matita sul foglio funziona molto bene! Ha rispettato le mie aspettative!
Cody E.
Ordering experience was great; I ordered the Xlite, but it was back-ordered. Instead of making us wait or cancelling the order, they sent a regular Repaper. That courtesy definitely earns a full star by itself!
The device itself and the packaging seem to be of good quality. Haven't used it much yet though, because I only own one computer that will even communicate with this thing.
The reason I'm only giving 4 stars is due to lack of Linux support. In today's world, there is no reason to not support Linux other than a willful disregard of a large portion of computer users; certainly it hasn't been financially agreeable for iskn to invest in supporting Linux yet, so they haven't. As such, I removed 2 stars from my rating (add back the previously mentioned courtesy star and we land on 4.) Lack of Linux support is a huge detriment to my potential use of this tablet - and because I now realize I could have learned of this lack prior to purchasing, it is 4 stars instead of the 3 I was leaning towards.
Thomas D.
Die Kundenbetreuung war problemlos und freundlich.
Sigrid W.
Absolutely delightful customer service - I was very surprised that when the tablet I ordered went out of stock, I was instead given the more expensive one at no extra cost! Never met with a company doing this before, others always just make you wait until the product is back in stock. :) Loved chatting with the support team too!
The tablet itself is a massive help in my everyday work & creative process. Having used Wacoms in the past, I definitely favour the magnetic solution Repaper uses. Not only the ability to sketch with my own pencils is amazing, but also in a digital tablet mode, the responsiveness of the stylus is second to none - great movement and pressure tracking, working amazingly both with painting and photography retouching.
Something I would like to see in a future development is the ability to use the tablet mode in a portrait orientation, and also being able to buy just the replacement stylus tips without having to buy the entire new stylus kit (plastic waste!). But apart from that - love it! <3